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- Learning & Development
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- Learning & Development
- Industry Events

Perparatory Study of Wealth Management Professional
The content of the preparatory studies covers the THREE main areas of the wealth management, including Security and Future, Insurance and Real Estate, aiming to equip participants to become a professionals of wealth management and financial planning
By completing the Perpartory Study, the participant is able to....
- Explain the principle and practices of relevant regulated activities, i.e. Security & Future, Insurance and Real Estate
- Prepare the relevant licensing examinations (LEs) by using the learned exam technique (for more info of LEs, please refer to below section)
- Understand the realities of the wealth management and financial services markets from meeting the industry experts and senior executives, as well as visiting the working premises and facilitiesof financial institutions
- Receive a Certificate of Completion after finishing the 5 modules of perpartory study
- 解釋相關受監管活動的原則和實踐,即證券與期貨、保險和房地產
- 利用所學的考試技巧準備相關的執照考試 (了解更多關於執照考試,請參閱以下部份)
- 透過與行業專家和高管會面及實務參觀,更了解財富管理和金融服務市場的實際狀況
- 在完成 5 個模組的課程學習後獲得結業證書
Perpartory Study 研習班內容
1Tutorial Session:
Securities and Futures
2Tutorial Session:
3Tutorial Session:
Real Estate
4Sharing Session of Professionals
5Site Visiting
Module 1: Securities and Futures 證券及期貨
- Fundamentals of Securities and Futures Regulation 基本證券及期貨規例
Module 2: Insurance 保險
- Principles and Practice of Insurance 保險原理及實務
- General Insurance 一般保險
- Long Term Insurance 長期保險
- Investment-linked Long Term Insurance 投資相連長期保險
Module 3: Resl Estate 房地產
- Principles and Practice of Estate Salesperson地產營業員實務
- Laws Governing Estate Agency Practice and Conveyancing Procedures 規管地產代理實務和物業轉易程序的法例
- Introduction to the Land Registration System, Land Search and Property-related Information Systems 土地註冊制度、查冊及與物業有關的資料系統的介紹
- Introduction to Building-related Knowledge, Property Classification and Property Management 簡介與建築物有關的知識、物業分類及物業管理
- Leasing and Tenancy Matters 批租和租務事宜
Module 4: Sharing Session by Industry Experts/ Senior Managements 行業專家或高級管理層分享
- The module will invite the subject expert(s) or seasoned industry practitioners of wealth management to update the market outlook and industry update 邀請財富管理領域的行業專家或資深從業者分享市場狀況及行業更新
Module 5: Site Visiting 實務參觀/交流
- The module will visit famous financial institution or representative landmark of Hong Kong Financial Services Sector, and meet the industry partitioners for practical experience sharing 參觀香港金融服務業的著名金融機構或代表性地標,並與業界人士進行實務經驗分享及交流
Sign Up for Perparatory Study
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Want to Become A Wealth Management Professionals?
Licensing Examinations (LE) for
Relevant Regulated Activities
Securities and Futures Intermediaries
Regulated Activities (RA)*
*For details, please refer to the relevant official site
1Dealing in securities
2Dealing in futures contracts
3Leveraged foreign exchange trading
4Advising on securities
5Advising on futures contracts
6Advising on corporate finance
7Providing automated trading services
8Securities margin financing
9Asset management
10Providing credit rating services
Licensing Examination (LE) Papers* for RA Type 1, 4 and 8
Licensing Examination Paper 1
Fundamentals of Securities and Futures Regulation
Licensing Examination Paper 7
Financial Markets
Licensing Examination Paper 8
Insurance Intermediaries
ALL individual licencee must pass the relevant papers of the
Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination (“IIQE”) *
*For details, please refer to the relevant official site
Paper 1
Principles and Practice of Insurance Examination
Paper 2
General Insurance Examination
Paper 3
Long Term Insurance Examination
Paper 5
Investment-linked Long Term Insurance Examination
Paper 6
Travel Insurance Agents Examination
Estate Agents
- Anyone practising estate agency work in the course of business in Hong Kong must hold a valid estate agent's licence.
- Anyone acting as a salesperson of an estate agent must also hold a valid licence
Estate Agents Qualifying Examination (EAQE)*
Estate agent's licence
The holder of an estate agent's licence may carry on estate agency work as an estate agent or act as a salesperson for another estate agent.
Salespersons Qualifying Examination (SQE)*
Salesperson's licence
A licensed salesperson may only perform estate agency work as a salesperson of a licensed estate agent
*For details, please refer to the relevant official site
Hong Kong Society of Wealth Management